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3 Day Military Diet – Group Review and substitutions

3 Day Military Diet – Group Review and substitutions

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The 3 day Military Diet Claims that anyone can lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days by following strictly (as strict as the military) the exact foods and servings given. But is that Claim true?

Here is how to follow the Military Diet:

Day 1


  • Coffee, Tea, or Water
  • ½ Grapefruit
  • 1 Toast with 2 tbsp Peanut Butter


  • ½ c. Tuna
  • 1 Toast
  • Coffee, Tea, or Water


  • 3 oz Lean Meat
  • 1 c. Green Beans
  • 1 c. Vanilla Ice-Cream
  • 1 Apple
  • Coffee, Tea, or Water

Day 2


  • Coffee, Tea, or Water
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Toast
  • A Banana


  • 1 C. Cottage Cheese
  • 5 Saltine Crackers
  • Coffee, Tea, or Water


  • 2 Hot Dogs
  • ½ C. Carrots
  • A Banana
  • 1 c. Broccoli
  • 1 c. Vanilla Ice-Cream
  • Coffee, Tea, or Water

Day 3


  • Coffee, Tea, or Water
  • 5 Saltine Crackers
  • 1 oz. Cheese
  • An Apple


  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Toast
  • Coffee, Tea, or Water


  • 1 c. Tuna
  • 1 c. Vanilla Ice-Cream
  • A Banana
military diet shopping list

The idea behind the 3 day military diet, is to repeat this in a cycle of 3 days on, 4 days off, until you lose all your weight.

Before we proceed with the review, it has to be noted that not a single person followed exactly what was asked for. Not one of us drinks Coffee, and about half of us are allergic to Iodine (Seafood).

We wondered at first if we should even bother. Would taking out those two things and replacing them with alternatives make a big enough difference?

It was worth a shot.

We’ll TRY IT!

(Also, Check out our Egg Fast vs Military Diet review)

This time, along with the sisters, we got a husband to join. . . As well as a tween -when she saw she got to eat ice-cream every night. 🙂
9 people in all. Here are their results as well as what they ended up substituting:

military diet results
military diet substitutions

Chrickette lost 4 LbS. or 1.62% of her body weight

Check out her Military Diet Review and substitutions Here

military diet substitutions

Kamree lost 5 Lbs. or 1.90% of her Body weight.

Check out her Military Review and substitutions Here

military diet substitutions

Chani lost 3 Lbs. or 1.43% of her body weight

Check out her Military diet Review substitutions Here

military diet substitutions

Cherie lost 6 Lbs. or 2.43% of her body weight

Check out her Military diet Review and substitutions Here

The Hubby-Volunteer: He ate what his wife ate. . . lost 4 Lbs. . . but didn’t give any information on his previous weight. He said he gained it all back within 2 weeks. He’s not a big eater, and as a Doctor, has a habit of generally not over-eating, so he didn’t feel a lot of the hunger pains that others did.

military diet substitutions

Nani lost 7 lbs or 2.43% of her body weight

Check out her Military diet Review and substitutions Here

military diet substitutions

Kiki lost 3 lbs or 1.91% of her body weight.

Check out her Military diet Review and substitutions Here

The Tween Volunteer: Lost 2 Lbs. or 1.77% of her body weight. Read her little review along with her mom’s (Ki-Ki) with the link above.

military diet substitutions

Chae-Lo lost 3 lbs or 1.15% of her body weight.

Check out her 3 day Military Diet review and substitutions Here

So not a single one of us lost 10 lbs... Maybe the extra caffeine would have helped?

It was about 50/50 when it came to people liking the 3 day military diet. Most people experienced some sort of physical deprivation: headache, fatigue, acute hunger, and/or light-headedness.

These symptoms are pretty much a deal-breaker when it comes to diets, but half of us thought that it was doable because it was only 3 days.

It was cheap and super convenient to know EXACTLY what to eat.

In the end, 9 People lost a total of 37 pounds in just 3 days! That’s an average of 4 pounds per person. Not bad at all. . . it’s not 10 pounds a person, and the weight doesn’t seem to stay off too well. . . But if you need a quick slim up for a night out, this might work for you!

Check out our other Group Try It Diet, where we tested out Apple-Cider Vinegar

This blogger also tried the 3 day Military Diet: read her experience and check out the shopping list Here

Check out our group diet challenge of Intermittent fasting! The 16/8 version.

Real results from 8 people who tried the 3 day military diet. Check it out to see if it's right for you!
the 3 day military diet claims you can lose up to 10 lbs. in 3 days. Check out the results when 8 people try the diet at the same time.
List of everything we ate and the substitutions while on the 3 day military Diet
a plate of diet food with words over top saying how much weight do you really lose on the military diet nine people tried it here are their results

8 people took Apple Cider Vinegar for 2 weeks. Check out their results. - Try it Diet Sisters

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