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Lose inches fast with ‘Light Therapy Treatment’ Did it work?

Lose inches fast with ‘Light Therapy Treatment’ Did it work?

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Light Contouring is the latest craze for losing inches.

Recently we at TryItDietSisters, were asked to try out a treatment that helps indirectly with weight loss.

It doesn’t claim to help you lose weight. But it does claim to help you lose inches fast, to tighten your skin, and an abundant other health benefits.

I don’t know about you, but a machine that can make me lose inches fast while I just relax, sounds awesome to me!

We went to the office of Dr. Neil C. Logan. D.C. at the Healing Tree Wellness Center In Cedar City, Utah.  (and if you find yourself around the area, he has a special for new clients)

light therapy to lose inches around waist

What is LLLT, or ‘Light Contouring’ and how does it help us lose weight fast.

LLT stands for Low Level Light (or Laser) Therapy.

The short answer is, that A certain frequency of light was found by scientists to break up superficial fat cells and flush it into the bloodstream.

Innovative technicians took the discovery and made a system with the same light frequency.

It involves light ‘blankets’ for lack of a better word, that are draped over your bare skin for 20 minutes – the ideal time for the fat cells to flush out.

Our Experience losing inches fast with the LLLT, or ‘Light-Contouring’ Machine

An assistant measured our waist, hips, arms, thighs, and glutes.

We then were asked to take off as much clothes as was needed. Women usually have no interest in lessening their bosom. so the bra stayed on. As well as the undies (the tinier the undies, the more ‘flesh’ that can be effected).

The whole thing was similar to a tanning bed experience. You lay there, lights on your skin, relaxing and listening to music.

table with light therapy

The table and light blankets are disinfected each time. Those black rectangles are ‘light blankets’ to light up your back when you lie down.

lose inches fast with this treatment

The assistant was good enough to show us (fully clothed) how it works

lllt helps lose inches and lose weight

(It looks a little like we are turning someone into a robot, not gonna lie)

After the 20 minute treatment, the assistant measured us again in the same places. Their guarantee is that you WILL lose at least one inch over all, on the first visit, or its free.

They measure in 5 places. when they remeasure, they add up the inches lost, and that is the total

I.E. 2 Inches off waist, 1 1/2 inches off hips, 3/4 inch off each legs = 5 inches Total

Here were the results:

Cherie: 7 inches total.

Kamree: 5 inches total.

Ki-Ki: 3 inches total

Randee: 4 3/4 inches total

Nani: 7 inches total

Chae-lo: 4 inches total

Chrickette: 3 3/4 inches total

So, did we lose inches fast? We sure did!

As you can see, we all lost inches, so it definitely worked. (the assistant even marked on our skin exactly where the measurement went, so no cheating)

But it actually does not kill fat cells. It just empties them. So be careful because they can be refilled through unhealthy diet.

(it is suggested to do a sugar-free, low carb diet. like the Keto Diet)

Also, it won’t bring back muscles. So give these 30 minute at-home workouts a try! or grab the cheapest at home equipment to use daily.

A few other things for this treatment to be successful

it was found that although the fat was released into the bloodstream, it had to be helped out of the body.

Light exercise, and plenty of water during the next 3 days was strongly suggested to make the changes permanent.

Dr Logan had a Full-Body Vibration Machine that he includes in the treatment. You stand on it and it vibrates the body for 10 minutes and it is your first step in the ‘exercise’ component of weight loss.

Getting your lymph system to move is beneficial (check out dry brushing)

They encourage A low carbohydrate diet to reduce carbs and sugars, and utilizing a consistent exercise routine to process and expel the fat.

One time was great. Long term possible results from being consistent with the treatment are: It can help with visible skin care results (15-20 sessions)

We asked the 7 women what they thought of the LLLT treatment:

Was the experience painful? No. it was non invasive, easy, something you would find in a luxury spa.

Was it worth the cost? Prices will vary depending on locations. The machine itself is incredibly expensive, and is then understandable that the treatments aren’t going to be cheap, and I can only attest to the pricing of Dr. Logan’s treatment. But it was between $65-$85 per session, depending on the package you bought.

Would you go again? Most said yes if they could afford it.

We sat down and interviewed Dr. Logan about the machine.

Here is all your questions answered

We want to thank Dr. Logan and his staff for allowing us to try the ‘Light Contouring’ treatment. And we hope this post was helpful for anyone who is thinking about trying it out for losing inches fast.

We have tried many other things to help with weight loss and you can check them out below:

You can check out out Apple Cider Vinegar Challenge Here:8 people took Apple Cider Vinegar for 2 weeks. Check out their results.

Or our 3 Day Military Diet Here 3 Day Military Diet – Group Review and substitutions

a woman on a spa bed with light machines on arms, legs stomach and neck. with words laser light therapy spa experience for fat loss how many inches we lost

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And, as always, the opinions expressed are our own. We are not medical professionals and do not claim to be. Please consult your doctor before trying any new exercise or diet program. Please see our medical disclaimer for more details.***